February weather summary

February was snowier but missing the bitter cold of a typical February according to volunteer weather observer John Beltz.

Beltz reports a low temperature of -5 degrees, but the average low temperature for the month was 19.8 degrees, six degrees warmer than the normal average low of 13.7 degrees. There were eight nights when the low temperature was in single digits and only two nights when it was below zero. The low temperature was 20 degrees or warmer 20 nights. The record low temperature for February in Jefferson is -27 degrees, set Feb. 2, 1996.

The high temperature was 67 degrees on Saturday, Feb. 28. There were 19 days when the high temperature was 32 degrees or warmer. The average high temperature was 34.5 degrees, compared to 34 degrees as the normal average high temperature. The record high temperature is 76 degrees, set Feb. 24, 1930.

Jefferson received 9.6 inches of snow; normal for February is 6.5 inches. The snow was the equivalent of 1.19 inches of precipitation; .96 inch is normal.

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